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Getting Started

If you are a new user of the add-on or are simply looking for help, you've come to the right place.
Form Approvals is designed to turn Google Form responses into approval workflows. Use your Google Form to capture information needing approval (e.g time off requests); Then, set up the add-on to route form submissions to your approvers.
Here, you will find instructions on installing the add-on, adding recipients (e.g approvers), creating a multi-level workflow, adding logic to your workflow, and much more. Use the left hand menu to navigate between articles.
To help you get started, we have put together a short checklist:
  1. Decide which Google account you want the add-on to run from (it can be a personal account or a generic account e.g We recommend using a generic account.
  2. Install and open the add-on on the account you want it to run from.
  3. Add recipients to your workflow. You will notice we refer to approvers as 'recipients' since you can change the role type of a recipient.
  4. Set the receiving order of your workflow. This allows you to create multi-level workflows, so recipients are notified in the sequence you specify.
The below video tutorial provides an example of how to set up a typical workflow process:

How to install and open the add-on

  • Make sure you are only signed in with one Google account. There is a known issue affecting all add-ons that can cause authorization issues when signed in with multiple accounts.

    From your Google Form, click your profile picture (in the top right corner), then click Sign-out. Then, sign back in with one account.

  • Open an existing Google Form or create a new one
  • From within your Google Form, click 'More' (three vertical dots located in the top right corner) then click 'Add-ons'
  • Search for, then follow the remaining prompts.
  • Once installed, open the add-on by selecting the puzzle piece icon at the top of your form.
If the add-on shows "App is not allowed for install by admin" or "Blocked", it means a policy in your Google Workspace domain is preventing you from using add-ons. In this case, please contact your Google Workspace administrator to have the add-on whitelisted for use in your domain.
If you only see the 'Help' menu item when opening the add-on, make sure you are only signed in with one Google account. Also, wait 10 - 15 seconds before trying to open the add-on, as the menu can take some time to load.

What's next: